- Hot Knife
Increasing Grip Strength With Intense Exercises!
Increasing grip strength is crucial for good performance in many sports. It can also help you play piano or guitar better, since it makes you more aware of your fingers (and increases your dexterity) as well.
But regardless of your reason, there are plenty of different kinds of grip strength exercise. Try the 3 below; they’ll help you develop much stronger hands.
1. Finger-Tip Pull-ups
Finger-tip pull-ups are a great way of increasing grip strength, especially at the extreme ends of your fingers. Before you even start doing these, though, you need to be able to do several regular pull-ups.
Once you’ve got the regular pull-up down, go find a doorway in your house. Just jump up, or stand on a chair to reach up, and grab the frame of the doorway jutting out with just your fingertips. Then, do the pull-ups with just your fingertips.
2. Hammer Swings
Hammer swings are done for increasing grip strength throughout the whole forearm. They are also very handy if you do silat, japanese swordsmanship, hammer nails, or anything else that uses the ‘casting’ motion of your forearm.
Get a long sledgehammer, sword, metal rod, or something else long and heavy. Grasp it at one end and, holding your upper arm down at your side and your upper arm straight out, ‘cast’ the tip of the object forward using only your forearm. Then pull the tip back and cast again.
This is ludicrously simple but, again, very effective. Make sure you do both hands to keep your grip strength balanced.
Also, if this gets easy you can try adding another rod or hammer to your grip. For example, holding 2 long pieces of iron rebar in one hand and doing the ‘casting’ motion with them is extremely difficult. You will get a much stronger crushing grip.
3. Baoding Balls
These are probably the best for hand mobility, dexterity, and health. It doe no good to be increasing grip strength if you’re hurting your hands at the same time.
These are the silvery Chinese hand exercise balls you may have seen. Normally sold in pairs, you hold them in your hand and rotate them. Until your hand’s tired.
Few commercially sold balls are up to the traditional standards, but if you spend some time looking around in your local international district or online you’ll be able to find some that work. If you can’t find any ones made in China, spherical lead fishing weights work just fine. They are heavy, relatively cheap, and easy to find at your local hardware store.
Find some that are large and heavy enough to challenge you, and then just rotate them indoor hand till you’re exhausted. If this gets easy, add a third ball to your orations – it gets much harder!
These are all great grip strength exercise methods. Try them out yourself, and figure out how to work them into your routine.
If you need more ideas, tips, or information about increasing grip strength or hand strength, check out the resources below.
I’m Aaron McCloud and I run
Complete Strength Training
, a site devoted to providing quality information about strength training. Go there to get more info about
hand grip exercise
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