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By Dani Taylor
As you probably already know, if you’ve cheated on your spouse and are hoping to win both them and their trust back, you’re going to be traveling on a long, long road with plenty of patience needed on both of your parts if you want to reach the end together. If the love is still there, and you’re both committed to making it work, it can be possible to repair the damage that’s been done to your marriage and emerge stronger and closer as a couple.
The Apology
The first, and most obvious step to attempt to win your spouse back after you’ve broken your vows has to be the apology. A sincere, heartfelt apology that goes far beyond merely saying, “I’m sorry,” although that’s an awfully good place to start, is an absolute must. If you think walking around with a chip on your shoulder is going to do any good at trying to win them back, you’re in for a rude awakening as more than likely you’ll be pushing them in the opposite direction.
The Straight and Narrow
If you’re at all serious about getting your spouse back and saving your marriage, it’s time to be honest with yourself and figure out whether or not you’re going to be able to walk the straight and narrow from here on out, otherwise, there’s really no point in prolonging the inevitable, or hurting your spouse even more. Examine why you cheated in the first place and if you are now prepared to put your spouse’s feelings before your own, which is how it should be in the first place.
Just Listen
Once all of the apologies have been said and done, there are going to be many times when your husband or wife simply needs to vent, or just to let their feelings be heard. Don’t feel as if you have to defend yourself repeatedly, as doing so usually causes anger to build as one spouse takes the offense while the other is busy defending themselves instead of both coming together and discussing the problem like a team, like spouses, like friends, and like lovers.
Changing for the Better
Changing for the better after cheating on your spouse means several things, the first of which we already discussed, which is being honest and making a promise to both yourself, and to them, to never cheat or be unfaithful again, but it also means making little changes as well. Could you help out more around the house? Spend more time doing things together? When was the last time the two of you went on a date?
Seek Counseling
Promising, and then following through with that promise, to seek professional marriage counseling may be yet another way to prove you’re serious about your commitment to your relationship. A therapist or counselor can help you both to get to the root of your feelings, learn how to communicate them better to each other, and explore the ramifications of the affair and how to get past all of that, focusing on the bright future instead.
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