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By Getar
Benches are used by people daily. Parks have benches in which anyone can sit on while enjoying the view of the park. Benches are also used in houses and even in gardens. Outdoor benches, such as the one seen on gardens, are very useful. You can use it whenever you throw a party. You can also use it whenever you want to relax outside your home and in the comfort of nature. You can also sit on it when you want to take a break from gardening. Indoor benches, which are usually placed on porches near entryways, are used whenever you want people to take off their shoes before entering a room.
L shaped bench are usually made from wood. Popular wood products used on benches come from these trees: Pine Tree, Cedar Tree, Oak Tree and Teak Tree. Others would use metal, concrete and plastic for benches. But wood is the best material for a bench.
Benches are made from a variety of styles including garden benches, backless benches, park benches and L shaped benches.
L shaped bench is a bench that is in the shape of the letter L. These benches are becoming popular nowadays. And now, you’ll get to know how to make L benches by yourself.
How to make L shaped benches? It’s easy. First, you need to gather the materials that you need. These are the following materials:
— Wood
— Wood screws, dowels or bolts
— Screwdriver
— Adjustable wrench
— Drill
— Saw, jig saw, or circular saw
— Paint brush
— Paint or varnish
Once you’ve gotten all these materials, it’s time to start creating your own L shaped bench. But before that, you need to know what the purpose of making your own L shaped bench is.
Now the first step in making the L shaped bench is to start with the legs. Sever two identical lengths (14 to 18 inches is good) of one x eight- to ten-inch wood. Put together a piece of 1 x 2 screws into the leg, flush with the peak of every leg to form a platform for the bench Or, cross two 2 x 4s, bolt at the intersection and cut tops and bottoms off flat. The cross ought to be at the middle point on each 2 x 4 and plumb line dropped from the intersection should land halfway amid the two legs. Crossed legs will call for a bracket brace at the pinnacle and a cross brace is usual. Construct two “h” shaped frames out of 2 x 4s. Employ two h-frames for a simple garden bench and three or more for a long bench. Lock the legs together with dowels or bolts.
Make use of 1 x 4 to ten inch wood to make your seat and back. Use a number of thinner seat pieces rather than one wide piece for long benches or for weighty use benches. Hack all pieces the equally.
Sand all of the pieces prior to assembling. This will accumulate time–and splinters–as you assemble. Prime the wood that will be tinted and fasten wood that will be outside. Be certain that your bench sits plane.
Rotate the seat and fix the leg brackets to the bench. If you’re adding up cross braces, cut pieces of 2 x 2 with 45-degree angles at each end to fit between the bottom of the seat and legs. Screw these in at a 90 degree angle to the seat and leg. Don’t lean them with the brace. Countersink whenever feasible.
Fasten the back of the bench last. Begin with the top slat and end in the middle if you have more than one or two slats. Coat your bench and add a cushion if you desire to make it a little eye-catching, extra seating for your home.
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L Benches
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