- Drilling Supplies
byAlma Abell
With all the debris that is on the roads it is easy for your windshield to get chipped or cracked. There is a fine line whether you should have it repaired or whether it should be replaced. Regardless of what is done, auto glass in Chicago that does get damaged should be attended to as a matter of urgency as it can get worse very quickly.
Although the windshield may only look like a piece of glass to you it is actually an integral part of the structure of the vehicle. In a roll-over accident the windshield, along with the pillars are that which stop the roof from collapsing, if the windshield is damaged it will lose strength and not perform as intended.
Repair or replace?
Experts in auto glass in Chicago can repair a damaged windshield as long as the damage is not extensive or in a place that will affect the driver’s vision. If the damage is extensive the only option is to replace it.
The rule of thumb that is used is simple; if the damage can be hidden by a dollar bill, in most cases it can be repaired; anything larger or if there are three or more chips or cracks, then it should be replaced.
The repair process is simple. A special resin is injected directly into the damaged area. If the damage is a crack the technicians will drill small holes at each end which stops the crack from getting any larger. If the windshield can be repaired, don’t wait, do it immediately. Even the smallest chip or crack can spread instantly even if all you do is make an aggressive turn or hit a pothole.
One way or the other, repair or replace, the work can be done in the shop, in your driveway or the parking lot at work.
If you damage the windshield in your car, depending on the circumstances it can be repaired or it will have to be replaced. For auto glass in Chicago you are invited to contact Aero Auto Parts.