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Dont Buy Your Rocking Chair Just Yet! Consider These Retirement Options!
Kim Turnage
Travel opportunities abound for the over 55+ crowd! Cruises, guided tours, train tripsall can be enjoyed by retirees. People are staying active and healthier longer, and with our societys heightened awareness of accommodating people with diverse mobility needs, traveling can be an exciting and carefree experience for most retirees. You only have to look as far as your television to see commercials featuring older Americans traveling to places once reserved for younger peopleeven the Grand Canyon! Retirement can be the perfect time to travel without the worries of getting vacation time off or finding childcare. Since retirees are free to travel at any time during the year, they can take advantage of great discounts offered at off time travel seasons. Most hotels, airlines, and car rental agencies offer senior discounts and often sponsor special travel opportunities such as cruises and guided tours aimed for the retiree set.
Another area for exploration by retirees would be their local colleges and universities. Many offer free tuition for people 62 and older. More and more retirees are taking advantage of this opportunity by taking any classes that interest them. Community colleges are a great place to pursue a post-retirement education. Classes in psychology, art, music, literature, religion, and history are available, along with the sciences and mathematics. Most community colleges also have continuing education divisions which offer classes in subjects as diverse as ballroom dancing, learning conversational Spanish, martial arts, computer skills, or making a holiday wreath. Better yet, retirees should consider teaching a course for their local colleges continuing education area. All thats needed is the skill and the desire to pass on the knowledge! Retirement can also be a time to pursue a new career. These days, many people who retire still have so much to contribute to the world. No longer satisfied to rest on past achievements, retirees can begin a second career. With the increased use of computers, starting and running a business from home is easier than ever before. Retirees can check out their local job centers and incubators for information regarding how to start and finance a new employment venture. Whether starting a new business, becoming a consultant, or learning a new skill set, many older Americans choose to view retirement as a time to pursue other career interests. Todays retirees have a variety of options that were not available to past generations. Not only are there greater opportunities for retirees of all health and mobility levels, our societys view of what it means to be a retired person has changed drastically. Being older does not have to mean acting older in todays world. For many retired people, the years after retirement truly become the golden years. Wilmington NC retirement
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Dont Buy Your Rocking Chair Just Yet! Consider These Retirement Options!