By Joe Barton
Do you remember the last time you were completely, 100% healthy? Was it years, months, weeks or days ago? It seems like it is always easy to reminisce about the healthy times in one’s life but I think it might be helpful when dealing with a urinary tract infection too. Why? Because you can actually cure yourself if you do suffer from a urinary infection and be as healthy as you wish. In fact, there is actually a natural urinary tract infection remedy that works off of the body’s imbalance of Ph. Let me explain!
What causes UTI?
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a result of bacteria (typically E. Coli) nesting in the urinary tract which includes the kidney, bladder or urethra. Normally, a healthy body can fight off the bacteria which causes UTI. But, when given the right conditions of low immunity, UTI can appear and if left untreated can lead to serious kidney problems and even kidney failure. If you have a urinary tract infection you should act immediately!
Common symptoms of urinary tract infections include: diarrhea; fever; lower back pain; painful urination; cloudy urination; blood in urine; chills, pain in upper abdomen; and inability to urinate. Though these symptoms can make life miserable, it is your choice whether you choose to live with UTI or live UTI-free. And urinary tract infection-free is only a half a day away!
Natural Urinary Tract Infection Remedy – Vitamin C
You have heard it from your mom and you will hear it again, “Take your Vitamin C!” Unfortunately, millions upon millions of people are Vitamin C deficient and have a weak immunity. The poor immune system could possibly be the reason the UTI sufferer contracted the bladder infection and could possibly be the reason the body cures the infection. Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid) has been quite possibly the most popular of all vitamins and deservingly so!
The body’s whole health is determined by the body’s healthy immune system. Therefore, it is extremely vital to get enough Vitamin C each and every day. If you suffer from a urinary tract infection or smoke, you should take about 100 mg/day. Consider supplements or fruit (note: high in sugar). If you live in a developed country, you have no excuse for low levels of Vitamin C because supplements are everywhere. Finally, Vitamin C can also create a hostile environment for UTI by raising your body pH.
Natural Urinary Tract Infection Remedy – pH
Right now, bacteria is growing and multiplying in your urinary tract and bladder. Two things must happen to get rid of the infectious bacteria. 1. Bacteria must be killed. 2. Bacteria must be flushed from body.
How is it possible to kill bacteria and create a hostile environment for bacteria to live? The answer lies in raising the body’s pH (acidic levels) by eating acidic foods and drinks. Notice that Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid! By eating the right kinds of foods, drinking the right kinds of juices and taking the right type of vitamins you can actually cure your UTI with a natural urinary tract infection remedy with your body pH and Vitamin C working together.
Recent research has discovered by consuming acid foods, flushing the urinary tract, and balancing the acids with an alkaline ingredient; a UTI suffer can actually naturally cure their urinary tract infection in hours. To learn about a very affordable, guaranteed natural remedy (using acidic foods, Vitamin C and a natural alkaline) that cures urinary tract infections in hours please check out our website today!
About the Author: Joe Barton is an expert of urinary tract infections. His Natural Treatment for U.T.I. Report shares successful ideas for quickly, safely and naturally treating your urinary tract infection.
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