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Submitted by: Lilly Shah
98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam is a great choice for those who wants to be Microsoft Technology Associate certified, the exam offers all the required knowledge and skills needed to enter the world of information technology and it is a good start for those who are just starting their careers and wants to join their desired work place by the help of certification which increases their chances of selection. The exam provides the certification to only the successful applicants hence it is a very important task to pass the exam.
For those professionals who want to learn about the installing and configuring the technology, the 98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam plays a pivotal role and thus through its exam descriptive, it helps the applicants in being more pronounced with the technology.
98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals is an entry level exam in which the applicants learns about basic concepts and elements which comprises of the base of a professional in the field of information technology. The first topic is called Server Installation in which the applicants learn about device drivers, services and Understand server installation options. The second topic is Server Roles in which the objectives are given as, Identify application servers, Understand Web services, remote access, Understand the file and print services and server virtualization.
The third topic is Understanding Active Directory where the applicants learn about Understand accounts and groups, organizational units and containers, Understand Active Directory infrastructure and group policy.
The fourth topic is Understanding Storage, in which the learning objectives are, Identify storage technologies, Understand RAID and disk types. The fifth topic is Understanding Server Performance Management which includes Identify major server hardware components, Understand performance monitoring and logs and alerts. Understanding Server Maintenance is another topic in which the candidates learn about Identify steps in the startup process, Understand business continuity, Understand updates and troubleshooting methodology.
98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam requires understanding of the exam syllabus hence the applicants can enroll for some training or get help of the self study materials which are available by other brands to easily pass the test.
98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam is all about Windows Server Administration in which the applicants learn about basic tasks and the basic structure of the technology, the exam is mainly designed for the professionals of information technology who have some experience of six month at least in product handling. The exam can be practiced by the help of vendors learning material which are either courses and class room trainings that are present for them before taking the exam, these include Software Development Fundamentals eLearning Course, Database Fundamentals eLearning course, Windows Server Administration Fundamentals – Student Study Guide, Networking Fundamentals eLearning course and HTML5 App Development Fundamentals eLearning course.
The class room trainings are Windows Operating System and Windows Server Fundamentals: Training 2-Pack for MTA Exams 98-349 and 98-365 with five days of time duration and Windows Server Administration Fundamentals: MTA Exam 98-365 which is of three days.
98-365: Windows Server Administration Fundamentals exam is all about Windows Server Administration in which the applicants learn about basic tasks and the basic structure of the technology, the exam is mainly designed for the professionals of information technology who have some experience at least in product handling.
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